Simple Body ! No Way!
So now, "what is this creation, we call a body, that the bible says is Spirit, Soul and Body?"
I, give "thanks" every day, for the ability to awaken to the beauty of each new day, to see that it is there for my use, to feel the joy and splendor of it all, and to move about with comfort and ease.
So "what makes-up the body?"
When I found this data, could only say, "amazing".
No way is it a simple body.
Did You Know...( just came across this )
You have 100,000,000 receptors in your eyes to see with.
You have 24,000 fibers in each ear, to hear with
You have 500 Muscles, 200 Bones & 7 miles of nerve fiber to move with
You have a heart that pumps more than 600,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of veins & arteries with 36,000,000 beats each year.
You have lungs that have 600,000,000 pockets of folded flesh
for you to breathe with.
Your five quarts of blood have 22,000,000,000,000 (trillion)
cells which each have millions of molecules.
Each molecule oscillates more than 10,000,000 times each second.
2,000,000 of your blood cells die each second and
are replaced by 2,000,000 more and this has happened since your birth.
Your 3 pound brain has 13,000,000,000 nerve cells to file away
every perception that you have experienced since birth just
waiting for you to recall it.
You have 4 million pain-sensitive structures to feel with.Including 500,000 touch detectors and 200,000 temperature sensors.
You stomach has acid strong enough to dissolve nails.
Updated - 1-6-2007
I have not verified any of this.
Believe at your own risk!
I don't actually look for this info, It finds me!
Should check and see if any conflict in numbers took place !
But WOW!
Amazing Facts About Your Body
50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with :new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence! :
In one hour, your heart works hard enough to produce the equivalent energy to raise almost 1 ton of weight 1 yard off :the ground. :
Scientists have counted over 500 different liver functions. :
In 1 square inch of skin there lies 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, and 3 yards of blood vessels. :
The structural plan of a whale's, a dog's, a bird's and a man's 'arm' are exactly the same.
The world's first test-tube twins were born in June 1981. :
There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human being.
In a year, a person`s heart beats 40,000,000 times.
Most people blink about 25 times a minute. :
Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of :blood vessels.
Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour.
Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.
Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for :your heart.
You use an average of 43 muscles for a frown.
You use an average of 17 muscles for a smile.
Every two thousand frowns :creates one wrinkle.
The average human blinks his eyes 6,205,000 times each year. :
The average human produces a quart of saliva a day or 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
Every person has a unique tongue print.
The average human's heart will beat 3,000 million times in their lifetime.
The average human will pump 48 million gallons of blood in their lifetime.
You burn 26 calories in a one-minute kiss.
The average human body contains enough:
Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog,
Carbon to make 900 pencils,
Potassium to fire :a toy cannon,
Fat to make 7 bars of soap,
Phosphorus to make :2,200 matchheads,
and enough Water to fill a ten-gallon tank.
Among the first known "dentists" of the world were the Etruscans. :In 700 BC they carved false teeth from the teeth of various :mammals :and produced partial bridgework good enough to eat with.
Ophthalmic surgery was one of the most advanced areas of medicine in the ancient world. Detailed descriptions of delicate cataract surgery with sophisticated needle syringes is contained in the medical writings of Celsus (A.D.14-37)
A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 100 m.p.h.
If you were freeze-dried, 10% of your body weight would be from the microorganisms on your body.
According to the World Health Organization, there are :approximately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day.
Your ears and nose continue to grow throughout your entire life. :
When you eat meat and drink milk in the same meal, your body does not absorb any of the milk's calcium. It is best to have 2 hours between the milk and meat intake.
Only humans and horses have hymens.
The tooth is the only part of the human body that can't repair itself.
Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. :
One human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world's telephones put together.
We have a a whole pharmacy within us. We can create any drug inside us.
Our bodies are recreating themselves constantly -
we , make a new skeleton every 3 months,
new skin every month.
We are capable of reversing the Aging Process
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If you will, visit my new site that continues with the same type of information and listings as on this site.
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Index Page of Blogs
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
# 7 Are You In Perfect Health (rev 12/2006 )
Updated / Revised, version 12-28-2006. I've taken this post ( below ) from my "Razors Edge" blog, it was blogged two years ago, but feel that I should add it here, for new readers and any that might have overlooked in that Blog. Did add some new comments here, that will not be showing on the original, for reasons of my own.
The Talker
Are You In Perfect Health !Please don't Read This Blurb.
It is the rantings of a totally mad , nut case!
Nothing written here applies to you anyway.So why read it?
It is the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
Unless of course , It aint.
So why bother, scroll away from here, and retain your sanity.
Okay , are you ready, do you dare read on ?
If you don't feel right , don't feel well , are sick, do hurt , do feel like the walls are crashing in on you, find that there are not enough hours in a day, find that there are too many hours in a day, are easily frustrated or hurt feeling wise, have forgotten what a sunset or sunrise looks and feels like, or can't recall what a rose looks like, unable to rest properly, unable to awaken properly refreshed?Add in whatever else you can think of, into the above list ( but exclude of course , all that is outside of a crude, large, and broad range , "of nutty normal" ) So now, regardless of what you add in, you'll find it fits into one or more of these categories. Hope no one successfully hits all nine.
The order as listed here is of no importance :
1 - eating process.
2 - exercising process.
3 - breathing process.
4 - bowel movements process
5 - urination process.
6 - thinking process.
7 - sleeping routine process
And here from an earlier blurb on my Blog:
8 - " Stop doing the things that made you sick".
9 - " Stop thinking about negative things in you're life".
The stage is all set so to speak, lets begin the quest ! Questions that pops up frequently, when people speak with me, asking if I did this, or that process " can you guarantee that nothing will go wrong ?" Another is " are you a doctor? ", and "only a doctor can diagnose, like the TV ads say ". I can only say " nope, nope, and maybe " to those things. I'm not asking you to do anything here, just read and think on it or just move on. Sheesh, the harder I try to avoid " doctor bashing ", the more difficult it becomes. ( Have finally come to respect, certain, doctors advice )In my bag of experiences , I've seen way to many people who have doctored themselves into "medical basket cases ".So it appears that even doctors can't guarantee good results.Am I a doctor , heck no , with my background of stomping around the back forty all day, milking cows by hand, slopping the hogs, throwing stones at the chickens, and daydreaming half the day, I'm lucky I managed to learn how to even, read and write. Doctors , scientists , and theologians argue with each other on who is right, and who is wrong, and why they think that way.
Me, why I just sit back and focus on what they argue about. Saves me a lot of time in research hours. Now if these elite groups have created a schism in their ranks, and they have, on who is right and who is wrong , I can be just as totally right or wrong , as they are, using their own learned research in doing so.So you believe that " only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe ".Actually, that's not true.First , bless all the doctors, now call the police or medical society.Why ! Probably not a day goes by , in which we don't perform, what only doctors are allowed to do, that is , " diagnose a medical condition and prescribe a fix ", and we break the law, by doing so.Doing any of these things, qualifies you as a law breaker:If you fix or take some thing for: a headache, a cold or flu, sprained wrist , ankle or what ever, eat when your hungry, and the list goes on and on. Now give what is said here, some thought. If you do or apply any of these processes to alleviate any of the conditions listed or that which you added to the list , you are, theoretically diagnosing , practicing , and prescribing medicine with out a license.Say what! That's nit-picking you say! Spare me, it sure is, but that's what this is all about. Look, I'm not speaking here about major surgery, or some obscure condition that warrants professional help. Your still doctoring the little things, without a doctors license. Be realistic here. Even I manage to visit a doctor , when my need is there.
Do I allow them full, free reign of action, nope, not even close.
So what's the point here!
Consider this now, If you are in good health, you are probably, already doing a fine job of keeping yourself "fixed" health wise in many ways. No big deal, you say, now that's not true.
It is a big deal. Even Fantastic.
You, I , we, are already great "healers" so to speak, with the little stuff, if you've done any of the things listed above. So if you still have concerns, health wise , well , take it step by step.When one looks at an overall health concern, they might be inclined to give up. If all the high priced , high tech, fancy tests come up empty, and nothing shows up as causing you, the problem you have.Than its time to look else where for help.How many more times, visits to the doctor, admittance into the hospital, snip this out , snip that out, burn some parts out, receive near lethal doses of radiation, get put on drugs for the rest of your life , glue some part in, and still not feel healthy!Something is seriously wrong, when things like that can happen.Sure is time to seek help else where.
Don't give up.
Focus on only one health concern at a time, doing so may surprise you, when a major condition is corrected unexpectedly. A whole separate subject, is the ability of our body to heal itself, the process is not greatly understood, and is why, what is commonly called spontaneous or spiritual healing, take place.
At this point, many believe they are unable to do much more, to improve ones health.Wrong again.There is a lot one can do. Problems can and do arise if any illness and the associative connective process to the list below, is not considered. Some times it appears that there is no connection, but there is. If anything affects even one process, all processes are affected. So lets check it out. Back to our listings:
1 - Eating process. Anything you eat or drink.
2 - Exercising process. Any deliberate repeated movement.
3 - Breathing process. Deep belly breaths.
4 - Bowel movements process, One every day.
5 - Urination process. Little or no odor , pale to clear in color.
6 - Thinking process. How and what you allow all the time.
7 - Sleeping routine process . Take five minutes and prepare for a good sleep.
8 - " Stop doing the things that made you sick".
9 - " Stop thinking about negative things in you're life".( more here from an earlier posting )
10 - This brings to mind, that old saying, one often hears, "KISS", meaning " keep it simple stupid". ( Don't like the word "stupid", but its part of KISS )
11 - Like another saying goes" how does one eat a big elephant, piece by piece".
Apply a little effort in any of these eleven listed areas, and you will see some improvement in your health.
Apply a lot of effort in any of these eleven listed areas, and you will see lots of improvement in your health.
Apply a lot of effort in eleven of the listed areas, and you could be absolutely amazed with the outcome.
There are reams of information available on each of the items shown, some good, some not so good. Look them up, sort out the facts, use common sense, use gut reactions and don't be concerned about doing a bit of experimentation, after, doing your home work. Talk to your doctor, if needed, see if they will monitor and assist, in what you want to do.
( and you thought that I only bashed doctors, huh )
I could have added things like water, massage, prayers, meditation , etc, but wanted, as basic a list, as possible, other wise its too big of a " not so good health " thing to handle.
Will cover the listed and numbered items as my desire to do so, strikes, and
by the interests of my readers to want to hear more, on the subjects mentioned.Please understand though , that what works for me , may not work for you. But you get a feel for the process involved and any reactions as they came up.
Little things, like doubt, aggravation, frustration, total failure, the oh mys, the ahhaas, and the successes.Well now, if your up to it,
TRY A LITTLE PROJECT for sixty days.
( oh boy, your gonna hate me on this one )
Using the " KISS " method , and the cost free method to start:
A - avoid any product that has fructose or
"high-fructose corn syrup ( HFCS ) in it.
B - avoid all soft drinks.
C - avoid all non-sugar sweeteners.
D - avoid all fat free or fat reduced products. ( some saturated fat is good )
C - avoid all sausage and processed cheese ( real cheese is OK )
D - avoid all partially hydrogenated oils.
( Hydrogenated oil is bad enough, so skip it too if you can! )
E - optional, eat at least one egg a day ( if not allergic to them ).
F - optional, eat a piece of cooked red meat, as large as your palm, every day.
G - optional, eat some fresh fruit and some fresh vegetables every day.
H - eat anything else you want, but no more than a palm size portion per meal.
I - eat regular butter and / or use Extra Virgin Olive oil.
J - Avoid soybeans
Make a list of your health concerns .
Keep a record of what takes place.
You will suffer a sugar withdrawal crises doing this !
Do the same kind of list at the end of sixty days ( if your still alive ) that is.
What!Did some health concerns just disappear from the list.
What's that, you're even feeling much healthier!
Amazing isn't it.
Maybe, more to come, another time.
The Talker
Are You In Perfect Health !Please don't Read This Blurb.
It is the rantings of a totally mad , nut case!
Nothing written here applies to you anyway.So why read it?
It is the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
Unless of course , It aint.
So why bother, scroll away from here, and retain your sanity.
Okay , are you ready, do you dare read on ?
If you don't feel right , don't feel well , are sick, do hurt , do feel like the walls are crashing in on you, find that there are not enough hours in a day, find that there are too many hours in a day, are easily frustrated or hurt feeling wise, have forgotten what a sunset or sunrise looks and feels like, or can't recall what a rose looks like, unable to rest properly, unable to awaken properly refreshed?Add in whatever else you can think of, into the above list ( but exclude of course , all that is outside of a crude, large, and broad range , "of nutty normal" ) So now, regardless of what you add in, you'll find it fits into one or more of these categories. Hope no one successfully hits all nine.
The order as listed here is of no importance :
1 - eating process.
2 - exercising process.
3 - breathing process.
4 - bowel movements process
5 - urination process.
6 - thinking process.
7 - sleeping routine process
And here from an earlier blurb on my Blog:
8 - " Stop doing the things that made you sick".
9 - " Stop thinking about negative things in you're life".
The stage is all set so to speak, lets begin the quest ! Questions that pops up frequently, when people speak with me, asking if I did this, or that process " can you guarantee that nothing will go wrong ?" Another is " are you a doctor? ", and "only a doctor can diagnose, like the TV ads say ". I can only say " nope, nope, and maybe " to those things. I'm not asking you to do anything here, just read and think on it or just move on. Sheesh, the harder I try to avoid " doctor bashing ", the more difficult it becomes. ( Have finally come to respect, certain, doctors advice )In my bag of experiences , I've seen way to many people who have doctored themselves into "medical basket cases ".So it appears that even doctors can't guarantee good results.Am I a doctor , heck no , with my background of stomping around the back forty all day, milking cows by hand, slopping the hogs, throwing stones at the chickens, and daydreaming half the day, I'm lucky I managed to learn how to even, read and write. Doctors , scientists , and theologians argue with each other on who is right, and who is wrong, and why they think that way.
Me, why I just sit back and focus on what they argue about. Saves me a lot of time in research hours. Now if these elite groups have created a schism in their ranks, and they have, on who is right and who is wrong , I can be just as totally right or wrong , as they are, using their own learned research in doing so.So you believe that " only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe ".Actually, that's not true.First , bless all the doctors, now call the police or medical society.Why ! Probably not a day goes by , in which we don't perform, what only doctors are allowed to do, that is , " diagnose a medical condition and prescribe a fix ", and we break the law, by doing so.Doing any of these things, qualifies you as a law breaker:If you fix or take some thing for: a headache, a cold or flu, sprained wrist , ankle or what ever, eat when your hungry, and the list goes on and on. Now give what is said here, some thought. If you do or apply any of these processes to alleviate any of the conditions listed or that which you added to the list , you are, theoretically diagnosing , practicing , and prescribing medicine with out a license.Say what! That's nit-picking you say! Spare me, it sure is, but that's what this is all about. Look, I'm not speaking here about major surgery, or some obscure condition that warrants professional help. Your still doctoring the little things, without a doctors license. Be realistic here. Even I manage to visit a doctor , when my need is there.
Do I allow them full, free reign of action, nope, not even close.
So what's the point here!
Consider this now, If you are in good health, you are probably, already doing a fine job of keeping yourself "fixed" health wise in many ways. No big deal, you say, now that's not true.
It is a big deal. Even Fantastic.
You, I , we, are already great "healers" so to speak, with the little stuff, if you've done any of the things listed above. So if you still have concerns, health wise , well , take it step by step.When one looks at an overall health concern, they might be inclined to give up. If all the high priced , high tech, fancy tests come up empty, and nothing shows up as causing you, the problem you have.Than its time to look else where for help.How many more times, visits to the doctor, admittance into the hospital, snip this out , snip that out, burn some parts out, receive near lethal doses of radiation, get put on drugs for the rest of your life , glue some part in, and still not feel healthy!Something is seriously wrong, when things like that can happen.Sure is time to seek help else where.
Don't give up.
Focus on only one health concern at a time, doing so may surprise you, when a major condition is corrected unexpectedly. A whole separate subject, is the ability of our body to heal itself, the process is not greatly understood, and is why, what is commonly called spontaneous or spiritual healing, take place.
At this point, many believe they are unable to do much more, to improve ones health.Wrong again.There is a lot one can do. Problems can and do arise if any illness and the associative connective process to the list below, is not considered. Some times it appears that there is no connection, but there is. If anything affects even one process, all processes are affected. So lets check it out. Back to our listings:
1 - Eating process. Anything you eat or drink.
2 - Exercising process. Any deliberate repeated movement.
3 - Breathing process. Deep belly breaths.
4 - Bowel movements process, One every day.
5 - Urination process. Little or no odor , pale to clear in color.
6 - Thinking process. How and what you allow all the time.
7 - Sleeping routine process . Take five minutes and prepare for a good sleep.
8 - " Stop doing the things that made you sick".
9 - " Stop thinking about negative things in you're life".( more here from an earlier posting )
10 - This brings to mind, that old saying, one often hears, "KISS", meaning " keep it simple stupid". ( Don't like the word "stupid", but its part of KISS )
11 - Like another saying goes" how does one eat a big elephant, piece by piece".
Apply a little effort in any of these eleven listed areas, and you will see some improvement in your health.
Apply a lot of effort in any of these eleven listed areas, and you will see lots of improvement in your health.
Apply a lot of effort in eleven of the listed areas, and you could be absolutely amazed with the outcome.
There are reams of information available on each of the items shown, some good, some not so good. Look them up, sort out the facts, use common sense, use gut reactions and don't be concerned about doing a bit of experimentation, after, doing your home work. Talk to your doctor, if needed, see if they will monitor and assist, in what you want to do.
( and you thought that I only bashed doctors, huh )
I could have added things like water, massage, prayers, meditation , etc, but wanted, as basic a list, as possible, other wise its too big of a " not so good health " thing to handle.
Will cover the listed and numbered items as my desire to do so, strikes, and
by the interests of my readers to want to hear more, on the subjects mentioned.Please understand though , that what works for me , may not work for you. But you get a feel for the process involved and any reactions as they came up.
Little things, like doubt, aggravation, frustration, total failure, the oh mys, the ahhaas, and the successes.Well now, if your up to it,
TRY A LITTLE PROJECT for sixty days.
( oh boy, your gonna hate me on this one )
Using the " KISS " method , and the cost free method to start:
A - avoid any product that has fructose or
"high-fructose corn syrup ( HFCS ) in it.
B - avoid all soft drinks.
C - avoid all non-sugar sweeteners.
D - avoid all fat free or fat reduced products. ( some saturated fat is good )
C - avoid all sausage and processed cheese ( real cheese is OK )
D - avoid all partially hydrogenated oils.
( Hydrogenated oil is bad enough, so skip it too if you can! )
E - optional, eat at least one egg a day ( if not allergic to them ).
F - optional, eat a piece of cooked red meat, as large as your palm, every day.
G - optional, eat some fresh fruit and some fresh vegetables every day.
H - eat anything else you want, but no more than a palm size portion per meal.
I - eat regular butter and / or use Extra Virgin Olive oil.
J - Avoid soybeans
Make a list of your health concerns .
Keep a record of what takes place.
You will suffer a sugar withdrawal crises doing this !
Do the same kind of list at the end of sixty days ( if your still alive ) that is.
What!Did some health concerns just disappear from the list.
What's that, you're even feeling much healthier!
Amazing isn't it.
Maybe, more to come, another time.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
# 6 The Ways Of A Healer
Well now, let's see whats going to come up at this time. Just for the record, there is no schedule for what I am going to be posting. Yes, there are thoughts germane to the blog I am posting to. If you haven't yet seen my post in the Psychics Blog on "Psychic Intuition and The Babbler" you might want to do that now. What you will read their will apply to your healing efforts also. The separate blogs are used to hone in on related interests. Actually, as an old song went" you can't have one without the other" Hmmm, what was that song! Oh yes, Love and Marriage by Frank Sinatra.
Right now I've been sitting here pondering which of two words I should use next here. " Intuition or psychic?" Ha, I'm going to use both. Psychic intuition is the ability to listen to and hear your inner guidance. Mentioned elsewhere in my posts, there are no flashing headlines, what it may be, is a form of a feeling, some form of a picture or even a voice. What can be confusing at times is when all three, seem to be there in your awareness. It would seem that when this happens, our "Babbler" is really hustling. With continued effort though and practice you'll learn how to handle that. The more you use it, the faster it will develop.
Until you gain the confidence needed, you will question your sanity at times in doing this. If you're "Babbler" has not been trained properly, he's going to feed you feelings of "awkwardness, this is silly, who are you kidding," and other feelings of that nature.
With patience, prayer, love, and a tear or two, you will be successful. Be aware though, you might not obtain that which "you" sought , but the "recipient" in some way, will benefit from your action.
Right now I've been sitting here pondering which of two words I should use next here. " Intuition or psychic?" Ha, I'm going to use both. Psychic intuition is the ability to listen to and hear your inner guidance. Mentioned elsewhere in my posts, there are no flashing headlines, what it may be, is a form of a feeling, some form of a picture or even a voice. What can be confusing at times is when all three, seem to be there in your awareness. It would seem that when this happens, our "Babbler" is really hustling. With continued effort though and practice you'll learn how to handle that. The more you use it, the faster it will develop.
Until you gain the confidence needed, you will question your sanity at times in doing this. If you're "Babbler" has not been trained properly, he's going to feed you feelings of "awkwardness, this is silly, who are you kidding," and other feelings of that nature.
With patience, prayer, love, and a tear or two, you will be successful. Be aware though, you might not obtain that which "you" sought , but the "recipient" in some way, will benefit from your action.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
# 5 Health and Emotional Factors
Health & Emotional Factors
Wont go into the lengthy details involved with this matter, but have been reading many articles that mention the tie-in, of ones emotions, being reflected in their quality of health. Some are good reads, while others are so complex that you just ignore them. The start of it all can be traced to what is often called "The Good Book", namely "The Bible". Now I do some issues as regards the bible, see my " Religious Quandary" on my other site, but don't misconstrue what was said there. In reading the EMF ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) material, I was very impressed with the utter simplicity of the process and what can be achieved, if one did use it. When I downloaded the free manual, it covered in great detail, how to perform the process. One need not buy any thing more to use it. There is an option of course, to buy some CD's, but are not necessary to actually use the process. I was impressed enough to buy three sections of the material, so I could actually see and hear what was taking place. One is encouraged to copy and pass along the copies to whom ever you want. Eventually will obtain the rest of the material offered. For now though, I'm good for a year or so ,with what I have. Why not give it a try, with just the free manual?
The link is:
Wont go into the lengthy details involved with this matter, but have been reading many articles that mention the tie-in, of ones emotions, being reflected in their quality of health. Some are good reads, while others are so complex that you just ignore them. The start of it all can be traced to what is often called "The Good Book", namely "The Bible". Now I do some issues as regards the bible, see my " Religious Quandary" on my other site, but don't misconstrue what was said there. In reading the EMF ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) material, I was very impressed with the utter simplicity of the process and what can be achieved, if one did use it. When I downloaded the free manual, it covered in great detail, how to perform the process. One need not buy any thing more to use it. There is an option of course, to buy some CD's, but are not necessary to actually use the process. I was impressed enough to buy three sections of the material, so I could actually see and hear what was taking place. One is encouraged to copy and pass along the copies to whom ever you want. Eventually will obtain the rest of the material offered. For now though, I'm good for a year or so ,with what I have. Why not give it a try, with just the free manual?
The link is:
# 4 Conversations With Me !
Conversations With Me
Well Ancient One , what pearls of wisdom are you entertaining today? Hey smart ass, that sounded like a poke in the ribs! Anyway, who are you? Why are you talking like you got an "in" to say things to me! Hey Ancient One , slow down now, I'm the "voice" that people hear in their head all the time. Of course though, everyone has their own unique special voice that works 24 /7 to keep you on your toes. Most of the times , people just call me " Babbler". Have been called by many other unkind names though. My job is to keep you aware of "what is happening in you". Generally, I'm free wheeling around through all of your systems, looking for anything that's off kilter, nothing is sacrosanct when I'm prowling around. My job is to call it as I see it. From my much maligned point of view, I'm blamed for most of your troubles unfairly. Again I say, I only find it and report it. You , my friend are responsible for what I find. Oh sure, some of my buddy Babblers have gone off the deep end, and in a left handed manner start to contribute to your many problems. Consider for a moment that which you feed to us, physically,mentally and spiritually on a 24 / 7 basis. Oh yes, my friend, its all tied together. Unfortunately, problems arise when certain people start looking at you as only a part of what you really are. My friend you were recognized as a spirit, and soul and body, many century's ago. Hey now, I didn't just make that up, check it out, in what is called the bible. You want a hint on where to find it! Ok,Ok. Let me check out the main files. Oh, here it is, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. So if fed a steady diet of crap, its easy to get screwed up. Often, one will seek help from another person, that person can be called by various names or titles. Doctor, priest, rabbi, specialist, regardless, if your not seen as a whole entity ( spirit, soul and body ) conditions can erode rapidly. If my checking you out is met with great amounts of eroded or negative things, that is what I report, I don't interpret. This negative reporting is how, the name "Babbler"got started in the first place. I don't like it, but its not my "call" to change it. Its your "call". I " the Babbler" am a minuscule entity of a vast number of energies that take on intelligence so to speak. When you get a conversation going in your head, with questions, and seeming answers, these are coming from the numerous energy entities from all levels of "you". So these energies, regardless of what they are called, gods, devils, demons or angels, are all at work, all the time, prompting you in some direction. Depending on how you reacted, is what "you" are. Serious problems have come up though, when certain kinds of doctors are told that "you hear voices" speaking to you. Might be better, if you just kept your thoughts to yourself. Well Ancient One , I the Babbler haves messed around with your thinking process long enough here, what are you going to do about it!
Well Ancient One , what pearls of wisdom are you entertaining today? Hey smart ass, that sounded like a poke in the ribs! Anyway, who are you? Why are you talking like you got an "in" to say things to me! Hey Ancient One , slow down now, I'm the "voice" that people hear in their head all the time. Of course though, everyone has their own unique special voice that works 24 /7 to keep you on your toes. Most of the times , people just call me " Babbler". Have been called by many other unkind names though. My job is to keep you aware of "what is happening in you". Generally, I'm free wheeling around through all of your systems, looking for anything that's off kilter, nothing is sacrosanct when I'm prowling around. My job is to call it as I see it. From my much maligned point of view, I'm blamed for most of your troubles unfairly. Again I say, I only find it and report it. You , my friend are responsible for what I find. Oh sure, some of my buddy Babblers have gone off the deep end, and in a left handed manner start to contribute to your many problems. Consider for a moment that which you feed to us, physically,mentally and spiritually on a 24 / 7 basis. Oh yes, my friend, its all tied together. Unfortunately, problems arise when certain people start looking at you as only a part of what you really are. My friend you were recognized as a spirit, and soul and body, many century's ago. Hey now, I didn't just make that up, check it out, in what is called the bible. You want a hint on where to find it! Ok,Ok. Let me check out the main files. Oh, here it is, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. So if fed a steady diet of crap, its easy to get screwed up. Often, one will seek help from another person, that person can be called by various names or titles. Doctor, priest, rabbi, specialist, regardless, if your not seen as a whole entity ( spirit, soul and body ) conditions can erode rapidly. If my checking you out is met with great amounts of eroded or negative things, that is what I report, I don't interpret. This negative reporting is how, the name "Babbler"got started in the first place. I don't like it, but its not my "call" to change it. Its your "call". I " the Babbler" am a minuscule entity of a vast number of energies that take on intelligence so to speak. When you get a conversation going in your head, with questions, and seeming answers, these are coming from the numerous energy entities from all levels of "you". So these energies, regardless of what they are called, gods, devils, demons or angels, are all at work, all the time, prompting you in some direction. Depending on how you reacted, is what "you" are. Serious problems have come up though, when certain kinds of doctors are told that "you hear voices" speaking to you. Might be better, if you just kept your thoughts to yourself. Well Ancient One , I the Babbler haves messed around with your thinking process long enough here, what are you going to do about it!
# 3 Mind and Body Training Control
Mind and Body Training Control
Mind and Body Training Controll.Ever notice the times you are told to relax, or take it easy, hey you're going to blow a fuse, or even watch your blood pressure or some similar type of worded statement! But how does one do that. To obtain a changed state of mind and an actual state of physical relaxation, one needs to train (start to fine tune) the mind and body to do so. During stress states of mind, relaxation is just not readily achieved. You may gain some, but not maximum control. So are you ready to set a relaxed trigger? What's involved! Breathing, a spot on the wall, a mental picture of a lit candle, eyes open and eyes closed, at whatever time you choose to do so. Just sit and breathe as you ordinarily do. Now find a spot on the wall in front of you, to look at and just breathe normally. Don't turn your head to find that spot, blink normally and don't stare. Do for a few moments, with the eyes open and for a few minutes with the eyes closed. When doing this with the eyes closed, mentally see a lit candle. When doing this with the eyes open, focus on a spot on the wall. Practice doing this for a few days, when ever you have the opportunity. Up to this point you have been breathing normally, while alternating between eyes open focused on a spot, and eyes closed whilevisualizing a lit candle. At this point we are going to introduce a slight change in the way you are breathing. What I want you to do now, is to gently inhale a little longer or deeper and take a little longer to exhale. You will need to experiment here a little bit. What we are looking for here, is a fuller but comfortable inhalation with a slightly longer exhalation. When your lungs are comfortably full, don't strain beyond that point. Once you have found your comfortable breathing pattern or rhythm that's what you will stay with. Whether you breathe through your nose or mouth is not important here. So now its practice, practice and more practice.That's it. However long it takes to achieve this trigger will be well worth it to you. There will come a day that you will realize that you automatically triggered a relaxation mode. With just a little more effort you will learn to deliberately enter that relaxation mode. That is what we are looking for. Problem going to sleep, do a eyes closed, with lit candle routine.Just walked away from a meeting and you are ready to explode with anger, do a quick eyes open routine. Encountering a little road rage, just do the deep breathing part, please don't close your eyes.Want to tune your psychic level, or do some healing actions, use any combination of eyes open / eyes closed routines, plus, what ever other process you would normally use. The process described on this blog, will be posted on my other blog, as it applies equally as well there.Be sure to come back and see what's coming up next. And as long as you there, let me know what you think about what's posted.
Mind and Body Training Controll.Ever notice the times you are told to relax, or take it easy, hey you're going to blow a fuse, or even watch your blood pressure or some similar type of worded statement! But how does one do that. To obtain a changed state of mind and an actual state of physical relaxation, one needs to train (start to fine tune) the mind and body to do so. During stress states of mind, relaxation is just not readily achieved. You may gain some, but not maximum control. So are you ready to set a relaxed trigger? What's involved! Breathing, a spot on the wall, a mental picture of a lit candle, eyes open and eyes closed, at whatever time you choose to do so. Just sit and breathe as you ordinarily do. Now find a spot on the wall in front of you, to look at and just breathe normally. Don't turn your head to find that spot, blink normally and don't stare. Do for a few moments, with the eyes open and for a few minutes with the eyes closed. When doing this with the eyes closed, mentally see a lit candle. When doing this with the eyes open, focus on a spot on the wall. Practice doing this for a few days, when ever you have the opportunity. Up to this point you have been breathing normally, while alternating between eyes open focused on a spot, and eyes closed whilevisualizing a lit candle. At this point we are going to introduce a slight change in the way you are breathing. What I want you to do now, is to gently inhale a little longer or deeper and take a little longer to exhale. You will need to experiment here a little bit. What we are looking for here, is a fuller but comfortable inhalation with a slightly longer exhalation. When your lungs are comfortably full, don't strain beyond that point. Once you have found your comfortable breathing pattern or rhythm that's what you will stay with. Whether you breathe through your nose or mouth is not important here. So now its practice, practice and more practice.That's it. However long it takes to achieve this trigger will be well worth it to you. There will come a day that you will realize that you automatically triggered a relaxation mode. With just a little more effort you will learn to deliberately enter that relaxation mode. That is what we are looking for. Problem going to sleep, do a eyes closed, with lit candle routine.Just walked away from a meeting and you are ready to explode with anger, do a quick eyes open routine. Encountering a little road rage, just do the deep breathing part, please don't close your eyes.Want to tune your psychic level, or do some healing actions, use any combination of eyes open / eyes closed routines, plus, what ever other process you would normally use. The process described on this blog, will be posted on my other blog, as it applies equally as well there.Be sure to come back and see what's coming up next. And as long as you there, let me know what you think about what's posted.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
# 2 Memories and Healing
Was very pleased to receive your comments K.F..Asking one to take time to do a post is twofold, one is the gift of sharing and a triggering of stored memories. Will say that you "brought out" six triggers. So in your honor, will blog them. Thank you.
In the true sense, a healer doing spiritual or faith "works" as I call it, never fails. There are periods when I sense a strong flow of something happening. Should perhaps, use the word "energy", but is that what it is.While "in" the process, and endeavoring to "hold" a "corrected, perfect outcome", and directing a flow of "white" energy, "feeling tones", within me can be "happy", "sad", or "euphoric". Now, in that that these feelings tones were not present before I started a "works", what and where do they come from. Is it the recipient or my person that opens these feeling tones.Often times I find that words do get in ones way, when describing "what" is the "works". Every thing is fair game here. Animals, plants, trees, people and parking places. Nothing so far, has been written about those "feeling tones" being felt. Another aspect is, that like at first learning to roller skate or ride a bike, if one has long periods of inactivity, "feeling tones" are slow in coming about. The warming up session (did read of this) however brief, is practically a must. Call it a process, ritual, prayer or what ever, but one needs to "tune in" and warm-up the engines or nothing happens. Now for your Mozart, be aware that he is playing in the backyard when ever you picture him in there. Our Elfie, was hurt by a vet while having his ears cleaned. Was serious enough at one point, where consideration of "putting him to sleep" came up. Do believe that what "works" was done for him, staved off that situation for two more years.
Ordinarily any effort to pet or stroke his back, would, as with most cats, curve his back downwards and away from ones hand. Yet after the vets visit episode, many were the times, Elfie would come up to me to rub against my leg. I would reached down to pet him, fully expecting him to shy away, but he would stay. Would pick him up and gently snuggle him in my arms. He would bury his head into the bend of my elbow, while I ran energy to him with my free hand. Previous attempts ( before the vets visit) to do that were met mostly with Elfie leaping out of my arms. A sad point was finally reached where too much effort and pain by Elfie was reached. He would meow a painful voice. We did, what we felt was the best for him. The question in my mind of course was "did I fail"! I don't think so.
Elfie had let us know, his way, it was time to leave us after 17 years of giving us company and being my pesty pet.Now, while I don't expect flashing signs or fireworks in doing "healing works" it is gratifying to see or hear that the recipient is in fact "doing better". Absent healing is quite another story. Many are reluctant to voice a response to things of this nature. Perhaps out of concern of hurting the feelings of the healer. Yes, way back in time as it's called, there were some feeling tones of hurt, but in retrospect, that must have been ego. Did seek reference for those kind of events. Was delighted (in a left handed manner) to find in the Bible, Matthew 21: 12, - 21: 22, and especially Mark 8:22, 25 and also in Luke 9:38, 43, words
that caused me to make notes that, and when I go back and reread them, I just laughed at what I had written than. In the same order as reference just above:Jesus pissed off (sorry that's the way I wrote it) - what ever you ask in prayer - Jesus had to work harder on his miracle (blind man) -- apostles screwed up, Jesus ticked off, drives out demon.
So now, if Jesus met with some difficulty, who am I to sweat it.
Hey now, thank you for bringing out these memories.I know I deviated a bit here, but it is all a part of what this BLOG is about.
In the true sense, a healer doing spiritual or faith "works" as I call it, never fails. There are periods when I sense a strong flow of something happening. Should perhaps, use the word "energy", but is that what it is.While "in" the process, and endeavoring to "hold" a "corrected, perfect outcome", and directing a flow of "white" energy, "feeling tones", within me can be "happy", "sad", or "euphoric". Now, in that that these feelings tones were not present before I started a "works", what and where do they come from. Is it the recipient or my person that opens these feeling tones.Often times I find that words do get in ones way, when describing "what" is the "works". Every thing is fair game here. Animals, plants, trees, people and parking places. Nothing so far, has been written about those "feeling tones" being felt. Another aspect is, that like at first learning to roller skate or ride a bike, if one has long periods of inactivity, "feeling tones" are slow in coming about. The warming up session (did read of this) however brief, is practically a must. Call it a process, ritual, prayer or what ever, but one needs to "tune in" and warm-up the engines or nothing happens. Now for your Mozart, be aware that he is playing in the backyard when ever you picture him in there. Our Elfie, was hurt by a vet while having his ears cleaned. Was serious enough at one point, where consideration of "putting him to sleep" came up. Do believe that what "works" was done for him, staved off that situation for two more years.
Ordinarily any effort to pet or stroke his back, would, as with most cats, curve his back downwards and away from ones hand. Yet after the vets visit episode, many were the times, Elfie would come up to me to rub against my leg. I would reached down to pet him, fully expecting him to shy away, but he would stay. Would pick him up and gently snuggle him in my arms. He would bury his head into the bend of my elbow, while I ran energy to him with my free hand. Previous attempts ( before the vets visit) to do that were met mostly with Elfie leaping out of my arms. A sad point was finally reached where too much effort and pain by Elfie was reached. He would meow a painful voice. We did, what we felt was the best for him. The question in my mind of course was "did I fail"! I don't think so.
Elfie had let us know, his way, it was time to leave us after 17 years of giving us company and being my pesty pet.Now, while I don't expect flashing signs or fireworks in doing "healing works" it is gratifying to see or hear that the recipient is in fact "doing better". Absent healing is quite another story. Many are reluctant to voice a response to things of this nature. Perhaps out of concern of hurting the feelings of the healer. Yes, way back in time as it's called, there were some feeling tones of hurt, but in retrospect, that must have been ego. Did seek reference for those kind of events. Was delighted (in a left handed manner) to find in the Bible, Matthew 21: 12, - 21: 22, and especially Mark 8:22, 25 and also in Luke 9:38, 43, words
that caused me to make notes that, and when I go back and reread them, I just laughed at what I had written than. In the same order as reference just above:Jesus pissed off (sorry that's the way I wrote it) - what ever you ask in prayer - Jesus had to work harder on his miracle (blind man) -- apostles screwed up, Jesus ticked off, drives out demon.
So now, if Jesus met with some difficulty, who am I to sweat it.
Hey now, thank you for bringing out these memories.I know I deviated a bit here, but it is all a part of what this BLOG is about.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
# 1 How It All Started
Difficult to express in words, my thoughts and feelings, as regards illness, life and death. Many decades of experiences that led to this day and the still present thoughts of " how to correct the many ills seen ". Many healing modalities exist, and it seems that progress in the healing field, overall, is slow. Will admit though, it is a difficult situation to rectify, but not hopeless.
Will bypass for now the thousands of words that would fit here.
Perhaps the title of this blog should have been
" Frustrations Of A Would Be Healer ".
Oh, yes it can be and is a rocky pathway. Beliefs are tested. Religion enters. The bible enters. New age and old age enters. Tears, sorrow, life and death enters. The beauty of nature, a wondrous sunrise and sunset enters. Again much is being left out here.
Came across some reading that did help in many areas of my pathways.
Here is what was said:
" I should give a warning here, which seems on the face of it obvious, but may not be so obvious when you come face-to-face with it. That is, do not allow yourself to be disappointed by apparent failure. If any healer tells me he has never had a failure in spiritual healing, then I would tell that man that he has never had a success either! You will have your failures. There are cases that you will work really hard on, that you will pray over really hard, and insignificant results will be seen. There are other times when you will give healing and the results will be amazing.I have always said that spiritual healing can cure all diseases, but not all patients. it is a knowledge of the workings of the law of karma which has brought me to this conclusion I read the case of one of the most prominent spiritual healers in the world whose greatest friend died in his arms of meningitis; the next day a total stranger came to him suffering with the same complaint and was cured. It is a fact that all diseases will respond to spiritual healing but not all patients. it all depends on the karmic pattern of the patient at the time, as to whether or not he will answer at all, or in the degree that he benefits from these statements. it is not always the question of whether you like to give healing treatments are not. One of the most famous healers in England, in latter years, detested giving spiritual healing, mainly because he felt so inadequate. so deep was his compassion for suffering mankind, that he wanted heal everyone with a wave of a hand; but soon discovered he could not do so, soon discovered he had his failures, which at first out-numbered his successes. however, he felt that whether he liked to do it or not he had to and he became an outstandingly good spiritual healer."
"Quantum- touch is powerful healing work. In order to do quantum touch, it is necessary to first learn various energy exercises. Most people will find these exercises easy to learn and highly pleasurable to do. However, you need to take your time and practice these techniques thoroughly. These exercises are designed to help you increase your awareness of life force energy and physical sensations in your hands. The extra time and effort you spend with them will make a huge difference in your ability to run the energy and increase the power of your healing sessions. Eventually you will feel a growing sense of mastery during, and they will become second nature to you.The energy exercises are placed in a particular order that will facilitate your learning and utilization of these skills. Once you have completed the first round of energy exercises, you'll be ready to learn the basic breathing techniques. At that point you will be able to start combining the breathing and energy exercises together to start doing your healing work. If you put forth your best effort while working these exercises, your success will grow. The best approach is to concentrate while maintaining a very relaxed frame of mind. The less muscle tension you hold in your body and hand, the better you will do."
Healing hands
Have you ever wondered why people will immediately and automatically breathe deeply and put their hands on whatever part of their body was just injured? It seems that this action is Universal and built into our neural hardware. Perhaps some part of us instinctively knows that this is a way for us to assist ourselves and others when in pain. It's funny, but after doing this work for over two decades, whenever I'm around someone who is in a lot pain, I now have an immediate and automatic response -- I start running the energy."
Will explain and expound further on the above statements in future posts.
But, you now have a general idea where this is all headed. Would really like to share and exchange viewpoints with my readers. Why dont you step in and leave some comments.
Will bypass for now the thousands of words that would fit here.
Perhaps the title of this blog should have been
" Frustrations Of A Would Be Healer ".
Oh, yes it can be and is a rocky pathway. Beliefs are tested. Religion enters. The bible enters. New age and old age enters. Tears, sorrow, life and death enters. The beauty of nature, a wondrous sunrise and sunset enters. Again much is being left out here.
Came across some reading that did help in many areas of my pathways.
Here is what was said:
" I should give a warning here, which seems on the face of it obvious, but may not be so obvious when you come face-to-face with it. That is, do not allow yourself to be disappointed by apparent failure. If any healer tells me he has never had a failure in spiritual healing, then I would tell that man that he has never had a success either! You will have your failures. There are cases that you will work really hard on, that you will pray over really hard, and insignificant results will be seen. There are other times when you will give healing and the results will be amazing.I have always said that spiritual healing can cure all diseases, but not all patients. it is a knowledge of the workings of the law of karma which has brought me to this conclusion I read the case of one of the most prominent spiritual healers in the world whose greatest friend died in his arms of meningitis; the next day a total stranger came to him suffering with the same complaint and was cured. It is a fact that all diseases will respond to spiritual healing but not all patients. it all depends on the karmic pattern of the patient at the time, as to whether or not he will answer at all, or in the degree that he benefits from these statements. it is not always the question of whether you like to give healing treatments are not. One of the most famous healers in England, in latter years, detested giving spiritual healing, mainly because he felt so inadequate. so deep was his compassion for suffering mankind, that he wanted heal everyone with a wave of a hand; but soon discovered he could not do so, soon discovered he had his failures, which at first out-numbered his successes. however, he felt that whether he liked to do it or not he had to and he became an outstandingly good spiritual healer."
"Quantum- touch is powerful healing work. In order to do quantum touch, it is necessary to first learn various energy exercises. Most people will find these exercises easy to learn and highly pleasurable to do. However, you need to take your time and practice these techniques thoroughly. These exercises are designed to help you increase your awareness of life force energy and physical sensations in your hands. The extra time and effort you spend with them will make a huge difference in your ability to run the energy and increase the power of your healing sessions. Eventually you will feel a growing sense of mastery during, and they will become second nature to you.The energy exercises are placed in a particular order that will facilitate your learning and utilization of these skills. Once you have completed the first round of energy exercises, you'll be ready to learn the basic breathing techniques. At that point you will be able to start combining the breathing and energy exercises together to start doing your healing work. If you put forth your best effort while working these exercises, your success will grow. The best approach is to concentrate while maintaining a very relaxed frame of mind. The less muscle tension you hold in your body and hand, the better you will do."
Healing hands
Have you ever wondered why people will immediately and automatically breathe deeply and put their hands on whatever part of their body was just injured? It seems that this action is Universal and built into our neural hardware. Perhaps some part of us instinctively knows that this is a way for us to assist ourselves and others when in pain. It's funny, but after doing this work for over two decades, whenever I'm around someone who is in a lot pain, I now have an immediate and automatic response -- I start running the energy."
Will explain and expound further on the above statements in future posts.
But, you now have a general idea where this is all headed. Would really like to share and exchange viewpoints with my readers. Why dont you step in and leave some comments.
angel of death,
healing hands,
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