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Saturday, February 24, 2007

# 17 The Healers Blog Index

# 39 Talkers and His Babbler On Remote Healing
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# 38 Talker on Whole Body Herb Tonic
Click Here
# 37 Talker on Prescription Drugs at Costco
Click Here
# 36 Talker on Healing Energies
Click Here
# 35 Talkers Scoop on Poop
Click Here
# 34 Winters Itch Update to #30/# 31 by Talker
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# 33 Talkers Thoughts on Applied Healing Methods
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# 32 Talkers Thoughts on Huna Healing
Click Here
# 31 Winters Itch and Herb Thoughts
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# 30 Talkers Thoughts about Winters Itch
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# 29 More Ways of a Healer
Click Here
# 28 CommonSense and Health Resurrection: Special Offer
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# 27 Conversations On Healing Energy
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# 26 Drug Watch Database
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# 25 More About The Talker and Healing
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# 24 Talker At Work: Healing Energies At Work
Click Here
# 23 The Angel of Deaths Visit 7/11/2007
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# 22 Oh That Angel
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21 Senior Drug Dealer- What You May Soon Become!
Click Here
# 20 Victor or Victim: Cancer's Sweet Tooth
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# 19 What To Say To Some One With Cancer
Click Here
# 18 Is It ADD ADAH or Convergence Insufficiency Disorder
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# 17 The Healers Blog Index
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# 16 Ease That Itch - A "Winter Itch" Follow-up
Click Here
# 15 Winters Itch Follow-up Using EFT EFT, itch 2/10/07
Click Here
# 14 Winters Itch Now and Then Calgon, itch, sleep-loss 2/6/07
Click Here
# 13 Amino Acids -pH Factor- and Health 2/1/07
Click Here
# 12 Miracle Tree and Zija by The Talker 1/23/07
Click Here
# 11 Health-Lies-Statistics and The Babbler 1/14/07
Click Here
# 10 My Book Sources For Psychic and Health Readin...1/13/07
Click Here
# 9 "Negative Ambiance" Thinking! 1/5/07
Click Here
# 8 Simple Body ! No Way! updated 1/6/2007 12/30/06
Click Here
# 7 Are You In Perfect Health (rev 12/2006 ) 12/28/06
Click Here
# 6 The Ways Of A Healer 12/19/06
Click Here
# 5 Health and Emotional Factors 12/17/06
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# 4 Conversations With Me ! 12/17/06
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# 3 Mind and Body Training Control 12/17/06
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# 2 Memories and Healing 12/16/06
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# 1 How It All Started
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

# 16 Ease That Itch - A "Winter Itch" Follow-up

This is the best article to date, that I've found, that explains the so-called "Winter Itch" condition many experience and suffer from.

Ease That Itch

By Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

Did you ever have a long-term maddening itch that is so intense, especially at night, that you damage your skin with your frantic scratching? If so, you've likely experienced the miseries of eczema, psoriasis or other types of dermatitis.

These inflammatory conditions of the skin are slightly different conditions, but the terms are often used generically for any itchy, red, scaly skin problem. They can occur at any time in a person's life, often beginning in infancy and may sometimes continue unabated for decades. Most of them manifest as painful swelling and oozing of the skin, bleeding cracks, severe scaling, itching and burning. Some sufferers have described eczema as "the itch that rashes" and others say when they sweat, it feels as though acid is being poured on them.

Scratching that breaks the skin increases the risk of infection. Long-term scratching can cause the skin to become thick and leathery.

Causes of Eczema and Psoriasis

Eczema and psoriasis are potentially allergic conditions that can be triggered by environmental factors and dozens of other external irritants like the following:

Laundry detergent
Household chemicals
Workplace chemicals
Animal dander
Metals (such as nickel in jewelry)
While psoriasis is most often linked with external allergic triggers, eczema is often caused by food allergies. The most common allergens include wheat, nuts, seafood, eggs and some fruits, such as strawberries.

Both conditions are often associated with food intolerances and multiple chemical sensitivities. If you have been regularly reading my articles, this will likely ring a bell, since food intolerances and multiple chemical sensitivities are often the result of dysbiosis or an imbalance of intestinal flora that causes yeast overgrowth. This is sometimes accompanied with widespread systemic effects.

Another major cause of eczema and psoriasis is SAD -- the dreaded Standard American Diet -- which is rich in sugar and processed and refined foods. This sugar-filled diet eventually begins to wreak havoc with many aspects of our health.

Science suggests eczema and psoriasis may be autoimmune disorders, which in allopathic medicine tends to be a "cop-out" diagnosis. Integrative medicine argues that our immune system does not attack a healthy body. However, the immune system will go into overdrive when the body becomes toxic. An example of this is the simple case of aspartame, the poisonous artificial sweetener. Most "diet" products contain aspartame, a substance that people take in hopes of losing weight or use as a "healthier" substitute for sweetened products. These people often end up with itchy rashes that can be indistinguishable from eczema.

A naturopathic doctor would say that in an attempt to eliminate aspartame, its metabolites are excreted to the skin surface where it causes irritation.

Characteristics of Psoriasis and Eczema

In the case of psoriasis, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) describes the condition as "an immune system disorder that affects the skin, and occasionally the eyes, nails, and joints." Psoriasis may also affect very small areas of skin or cover the entire body with a buildup of red scales called plaques. The plaques are of different sizes, shapes and severity and may be painful as well as unattractive. Bacterial infections and pressure or trauma to the skin can aggravate psoriasis.

Most treatments focus on topical skin care to relieve the inflammation, itching, and scaling. For more severe cases, oral medications are used. Psoriasis is common and may affect more than 2 percent of all Americans.

A particular type of eczema, called autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD), is a condition in which eczema flares when progesterone levels rise 3 to 10 days prior to the onset of menstrual flow. The condition then eases when progesterone levels drop during the menstrual period. Women with irregular periods may not have this clear correlation, thus making diagnosis more difficult.

APD also seems to run in families and the risk of eczema is particularly high in families with a history of asthma and hay fever -- a further indication the condition is related to a compromised immune system.

Eczema and psoriasis are both worsened by stress, but psoriasis is more affected by the weather. Cold dry winter weather worsens psoriasis, whereas sunny, hot, humid conditions make it better. In keeping with the autoimmune nature of psoriasis, when the person develops an infection, such as a sore throat or sinusitis, their psoriasis will often flare up.

Many classes of drugs, similar to the way that aspartame works, worsen psoriasis symptoms. These include antihypertensive ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers, Chloroquine (an anti-malaria drug), progesterone, indocin (the anti-inflammatory drug) and lithium.

In addition to what conventional medicine says about psoriasis, clinically, it is associated with a deficiency of zinc, magnesium, essential fatty acids and represents a high degree of toxicity in the body.

Conventional Treatment Doesn't Provide Much Hope

Conventional medicine will tell you that there is no cure for either of these conditions, although children with eczema will frequently "grow out of it."

Hydrocortisone cream or ointment is the most commonly prescribed conventional treatment for eczema and psoriasis. This is a strong and toxic medicine of limited effectiveness.

Long-term use of steroid creams can result in side effects, such as thin, fragile, dry skin and even suppression of the adrenal glands. For these reasons, medications of this kind can only be used for short periods of time, which is not very helpful to the chronic sufferer.

When studying homeopathy, I learned when you suppress a skin condition with cortisone, especially in children, the focus of the child's illness shifts from the skin to the lungs and they often develop asthma. Parents may be relieved their child's skin condition has cleared, but don't realize that they are substituting a milder condition for a much more serious one.

Using antihistamines, like Benadryl, can be helpful in relieving itching, but they cause drowsiness, so they're usually not appropriate for daytime use. UV light therapy has proven to be very helpful for some patients, especially for those suffering from psoriasis.

Natural Treatment

Eczema can be "cured" but psoriasis is a multifactorial disease that requires a multitreatment approach that is daunting for most people.
Natural treatment begins with detoxification, especially for psoriasis. Saunas, exercise that makes you sweat, bowel, liver and kidney cleansing and removal of mercury amalgams in your teeth are all important considerations. Stress reduction is also an essential part of dealing with skin conditions. It's often said you wear your heart on your sleeve. You also wear your emotions on your skin.
Meditation, journaling, and just plain taking time for yourself are very important tools for calming your body and feelings.

Dietary Treatments

For both conditions, you will need to begin by eliminating sugar and refined and processed foods from your diet. This means avoiding table sugar, foods that contain sugar or high fructose corn syrup, any white food, like white bread, biscuits, pizza dough, baked goods, anything that comes in a box and most canned foods.
The next step is to avoid food irritants and allergens. For skin conditions that may be caused by food allergies or intolerances, I highly recommend the Elimination Diet. Go to for a detailed plan to eliminate suspect foods from your diet and then gradually re-introduce them, making detailed observations to determine which ones may be causing your problems. (Look under the Yeast Fighting Program section.) You can suspect a food allergy if you have continual craving for that food, or eat it every day.

Dietary Recommendations

Add foods rich in vitamins A and B-complex, like green leafy vegetables, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes and dried beans.
Add foods that are high in magnesium. These include nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fresh green vegetables -- organic if possible.
Magnesium is so essential for helping to prevent allergies, detoxify, improve skin quality and relaxation that you might consider adding it as a supplement. The most common form is magnesium citrate taken at 300 milligrams twice daily.
Increase the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your diet -- the healthy fats -- by adding wild salmon (be sure it's free of mercury), walnuts, vegetables, nut and seed oils, especially flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil and black currant oil.
I'm going to depart slightly from the dietary recommendations here to recommend two substances that must be taken in supplement form: probiotics and digestive enzymes. I consider them foods and essential for optimal human function, so I'm including them here.
If you are not doing so already, start taking probiotics! While they are not technically foods, I've seen positive results over and over. If you correct the imbalance in intestinal flora by adding "good" bacteria to your system, many systemic problems will resolve themselves. I highly recommend that everyone take a probiotic daily.
In fact, there is a growing body of research that suggests that people with unbalanced intestinal flora have a higher risk of developing skin conditions like eczema, but probiotic supplementation diminishes or even eliminates the problem.
Along the same lines, taking supplemental digestive enzymes will enhance digestion and rapidly improve the condition of skin. Digestive enzymes not only digest the meal you are eating, but, taken between meals, they have been shown to digest inflammatory proteins in the body that could otherwise cause skin irritation or other inflammatory conditions.
Supplements That will Help

Here's a list of natural creams and supplements that I have found to be
effective in relieving eczema and psoriasis:

Calendula: These creams are very popular in Europe for the topical treatment of eczema and psoriasis. The cream is often combined with soothing chamomile for a variety of skin conditions. It should be applied topically two or three times a day.
Chamomile: The German Commission E approves the use of chamomile for treating a variety of skin conditions. Topical chamomile treatments can reduce inflammation and allergic reaction activity. Look for a cream containing 3 to 10-percent crude drug chamomile content and follow the label for dosage directions.
Dandelion: This lawn "weed" has been used to treat skin conditions in traditional herbal medicine on the premise it detoxifies the blood, thus eliminating allergens, inflammationy-causing toxins and chemicals from the body. It's most commonly used as a tea or you could take 250-500 mg. of dandelion extract daily.
Omega-3 fatty acids: People with skin disorders frequently have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies indicate that supplementation with omega-3s will reduce severity and inflammation of eczema and psoriasis. Look for a good fish oil or flaxseed oil supplement that contains both EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The best forms also include an omega-6 component as well to achieve a balance of the two oils. Take 2 to 4 grams daily.
In addition, be sure you're taking a good multi-vitamin that contains beta-carotene and vitamin A that promotes tissue healing. Another helpful vitamin is vitamin E because it helps moisturize skin from the inside and promotes tissue healing. Taking selenium will help the body use vitamin E. Finally; taking Zinc is a good choice, as it helps with wound healing.

Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., is health advisor to Woman's Health Connection at and is featured on the website's "Ask the Expert" page. She has written Hormone Balance (to be released Spring 2005), Everything Alzheimer's, The Miracle of Magnesium and Natural Prescriptions for Common Ailments.
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
The author of this article, Carolyn Dean, is a key medical advisor to, a Web site I highly recommend to women based on the pioneering work of Dr. William Crook.
Dr. Crook, one of my first mentors and a friend who has since passed away, was the author of the classic book, The Yeast Connection, and many other bestsellers that helped millions of women. He was instrumental in helping me recognize that there was a wide network of physicians who understood the importance of nutrition. He indirectly helped connect me to this network and I will be ever grateful for his guidance in this area as that was really the beginning of my journey into high-level natural health.
His great legacy is being carried on at, where you will find out all the latest insights on how Candida yeast causes problems in your body, and how to alleviate them.

Related Articles:

Saturday, February 10, 2007

# 15 Winters Itch Follow-up Using EFT

Perhaps use of EFT, can control the urge to scratch that itch!

What is EFT? Learn EFT (incl. Free EFT Manual) Order 5 Star DVDs EFT clears eczema.
Hi Everyone,
Please join me in welcoming our new EFT Contributing Editors, Tam and Mair
Llewellyn-Edwards from the UK. This delightful husband and wife duo will share, as a team, their EFT experiences for both physical and emotional issues.
In the message below Tam gives details on how EFT was used to clear eczema. Those who have been battling this condition may wish to print this out and show it to your physicians.
Hugs, Gary
by Tam & Mair Llewellyn-Edwards
My client had suffered from eczema since early childhood. This article is about how EFT cured her itching which, in turn, allowed the eczema to clear completely. The client, who we shall call Rachel, was a woman in middle age who had suffered from eczema practically all her life. She had received various treatments for it, but all to no avail. Rachel had presented for homeopathic treatment and, after I took the case, Natrum muriaticum at 30C potency was prescribed. No EFT was performed at this point. The case went well and, after a week, she reported that the itching had stopped and she felt ‘great’. Unfortunately, the cure did not hold and after a further week Rachel reported a full return of all the symptoms and a great depression. The depression was probably caused by the return of the symptoms which she had thought had gone forever. Further dosage with Naturum muriaticum failed to help the case further. The depression deepened and after a day of tears and violent scratching Rachel rang me for an emergency appointment and was given one that day.
The homeopathic line to take was clear, but need not concern us here as it would not have offered relief from the scratching in the short term--which was Rachel's goal. EFT came to mind, of course, but I had no idea as to whether or not it would be effective on eczema. Mindful of Gary Craig’s advice to “Try it on everything”, however, I went ahead with EFT. The obvious ‘problem’ to address was the itch, rather than the eczema, and with this in mind I discussed the problem aspects with the client. It was soon clear that Rachel understood the
problem as the ‘urge to scratch’ rather than the itch itself. Just two different sides of the same coin (or the same cycle in this case). So, since the Set Up Statement must be in the words of the client (not what the therapist feels it should be), I proceeded with EFT as follows:
“Even though I have this terrible urge to scratch, I fully and deeply accept myself.....”
The initial SUDs (0-10 intensity) reading was 8 and, following the Set Up, a round of tapping was made on the face points only. This produced an immediate drop in SUDs to 4 (and a very surprised client!) A further round of tapping then took place (this time using face and hand points) and the SUDs fell to 0.To test the result, I then asked Rachel to try a little scratch, but she politely declined. She said that scratching hurt her and that she did not need to scratch as the itching had gone away. Then Rachel burst out laughing, had a short cry, and then left the clinic giggling to herself.
Can EFT ‘cure’ eczema? We do not know but it can stop the itching and hence the itch/scratch/itch cycle. With the itch removed, eczema is of little import. And with the scratching removed the skin will not become infected, thus allowing the sores and weals to heal naturally.
A telephone follow-up after a month confirmed that the tapping had held and that there was no eczema and no itching, and a further contact after two months confirmed that Rachel had remained healthy with no re-occurrence of the problems.Up until recently, Rachel was my only case with eczema. Just last week, however, another client came into my office with the same ailment. We applied EFT to it and the itching, once again, subsided and hasn't come back.
Tam & Mair Llewellyn-Edwards
What is EFT? Learn EFT (incl. Free EFT Manual) Order 5 Star DVDs Postal address for EFT
is:EFT, PO Box 269Coulterville, CA 95311
Important note: While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Gary Craig is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as an ordained minister and as a personal performance coach. Those who want to discuss the use of EFT for a specific emotional problem with a professional in the mental health field are referred to our Referral section, where a number of licensed practitioners who use EFT in their practices are listed.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

# 14 Winters Itch Now and Then

Well now, It's called Winters itch. It seems that this is quite a problem with many people. I became aware of the situation, a while back (1960 ), when a person inquired, "what can one do for it". Doing a little research, now, online, came across a blog, that had some 744 comments, on the itch problem. So I thought I would give "the itch" a special post on my own blog. First and foremost, in reading the 744 comments, they all varied substantially, in what gave only partial relief from the itch. Visits to the doctor and dermatologist gave little or no relief to these individuals. Ointments, salves, antibiotics, off-the-shelf medication, and various doctoring modalities were used to no avail. Thyroid and other organs were mentioned and treated with little success.There was mention, of the use of ice cubes, rubbed over the most severe areas, to give short periods of relief from the itch. So here are my thoughts, as regards, what is commonly called "Winters itch", and from what I've read, can be present all year long and keeps many people from resting at night due to the constant itching. Aside from medical problems, and not commonly recognized as such, is that any cloth or clothing that touches the skin, can be a source of the itch. So as a first step, I would suggest that all clothing and bedding be washed with Calgon. This method is called "stripping". Use only, the Calgon, alone, with nothing else added to the wash load. At this point, what one would check for, is how high the head of foam is, just prior to the first rinse cycle. If there is no foam present, all is well. But if any foam is present, and, this can very from 2 to 6 inches high, this could be the source of the itch. You may have to re-wash the clothing, a number of times, until no foam is present during that first wash cycle. It may take up to four to six cycles, of Calgon only usage, before that takes place.The second step would be in stress reduction. Did find a one paragraph reference, stating that the itch condition was mentioned in early biblical writings. This I have not been able to verify as yet. In that there were no antibiotics in those days, and none of the unpronounceable chemicals, currently used in manufacturing and food production, stress could have been the culprit in those days, and perhaps even now. So, mentioned elsewhere, in my blogs, is the program offered free, called EFT. If stress is a problem, and who doesn't have it, using EFT would be the next logical step. It seems that I use EFT on a daily basis.(LOL) Overlooked is the fact, that some degree of stress is a necessity on a daily basis. The critical point of stress will vary for each of us. What one may shrug off with a quick flip of the eyebrows, could cause another to go on a rampage. Stress causes chemical reactions within the body, and if not properly neutralized, by thoughts, nutrition or medication, problems will arise. This generally would be in the form of changed pH factors as mentioned in another post.
Other avenues to pursue, and you can find this by going online to do a search for "Psora". This should bring up "Hanemann's doctrine of Psora". This is a hard read, but you will find it a worth while one. It also points out the reasons why this is so difficult to control. It is not a simple or easy process in determining what needs to be done. You will also find why Orthodox medicine has such a problem with this. Another approach is to use, information found in a book called "Body Reflexology" by Mildred Carter and Tammy Weber. In this book, there is an interesting bit of information on page 3 0 4. This bit is called "How To Control Psoriasis and Eczema". What I found interesting in this section, is the following bit of information: "often emotional or physical stress causes greater problems, and some people claim their ailment worsens during the winter months." It goes on in some detail to describe one specific case, that could very well be helpful with your condition. In the Amazon box on this page. You can do a search using the number
# 0132997363.
Perhaps using the above steps, coupled with whatever else you do, you may be successful.
PS: Found a site with good basic advice, that I should have included when doing the above.

Mea Culpa
PSS:This is the site mentioned with the 744 comments :

Thursday, February 1, 2007

# 13 Amino Acids -pH Factor- and Health

Mentioned in my other posts, are Spirit, Soul and Body.
In this post, I will endeavor to show how they relate to each other. Much of what I say here, will prove to be, controversial of course. Now I'm not a doctor, and don't pretend to be one, and what I say here, may be pure bull..... but it works for me. So from my point of view, here is how I see it.The way our body functions, amazes me, with how complex it is, and how efficiently it can repair itself, if given the proper nutrients. Now, if one looks at nutrients, as meaning only food, or medications, there could be problems. If you're healthy, with no need to visit a doctor, you're on the right track. Keep it up.But if you have been doctoring, for any length of time, and your problems persist, it's time to reevaluate what you are doing. This reevaluation, with be in the form of checking "all inputs, all outputs", as commonly used in the electro-mechanical field, of troubleshooting any equipment malfunctions. Our body strives toward harmony and balance by using sensors, strategically located, within ones body.Now, I don't know where they are located, nor am I aware of how many there are. If I were to venture a guess, the number of sensors, would number in the millions or even many times that amount. My Babbler, asked the question "what do they look like"! To that question, I can only say "I don't have the foggiest idea." But I will say, "I know they are there".
Let's start with this bit of data:
The pH factors our body endeavors to maintain for optimal health:

Brain - slightly alkaline
Heart - best toward alkaline
Lung - best toward alkaline
Stomach - constantly changing (required)
Liver - best toward alkaline, but is always changing
Pancreas - permanently alkaline
Small Intestine ( Peyers Patches ) - alkaline
Kidney - removes excess acid
Thyroid - toward alkaline
Spleen- toward alkaline
Adrenal - toward alkaline
Colon -processes both, alkaline and acid
Lymphatic -best in alkaline
Blood -best at approximately 7.3 pH
Urine -approximately 6.4 pH
Saliva - approximately 6.4 pH

A little bit on the pH factor:
The pH factor is measured on a scale from 0 to 14,
with 7 being considered neutral (normal).
The pH numbers below 7 (toward 0) are acidic,
and the numbers above 7 are alkaline (toward 14).
What we eat ,drink, how we breathe and think
affects the pH factor.
Kits are available for at-home usage in checking pH factors.

A little bit on the amino acids:
Types of amino acids:
D:Dexyrorotational ( usually synthetic )
L:Laevorotational ( natural and is generally ingested ) -

Essential amino acids (must be supplied by the diet)
Histidine - Isoleucine - Leucine - Lysine - Methionine - Phenylalanine - Threonine - Tryptophane - Valine -

Non-essential amino acids
(definitely needed, the body will construct as required)
Alanine - Arginine - Aspartic Acid - Asparagin - Cysteine- Cystine- Glutamic Acid - Glutamine - Glycine - Hydroxyproline - Proline - Serine - Tyrosine -

A little bit on proteins:
Proteins are composed of amino acids and water, and we need proteins daily.

You'll notice I've kept it as simple as possible.
I also use the term "amino acid tanks" ( In reality, there are no amino acid tanks.) and the switchboard (so to speak) for amino acids is the "Liver". Some, of the sensors I spoke of, do, in some complex manner, form a network between all the organs mentioned above, and the liver. Any organ in need of maintenance or repair, will trigger the associated sensor, into sending a message to the switchboard (liver) stating its needs. Considered now, the skin, muscles, hair, nails, internal organs, and the brain are, primarily made of protein. That makes for one busy switchboard", running "24/7" while you are alive. No holidays, no vacations, no time for a breather, just wanting to keep you healthy. Somewhat like a gas tank on an automobile, that needs to be refilled over and over, our amino acid tanks also need refilling on a regular daily basis. Somewhat like a football game though, amino acids, compete with one another. Unlike a football game, the non-essential amino acids, each act as a separate unit, grabbing what it needs, with no concern for the others. So what is required, is an adequate "total number", of amino acids, plus an ample supply of the "essential" amino acids. All amino acids must be present at the same time, before they can be utilized as protein. Amino acids are not and cannot be stored for future use as protein. If any one amino acid is low for some reason, it seriously affects the action of the others, regardless of how full of that other amino acid tank may be. This is where the competition sets in. Somewhere in the body, there must be a "master" determining sensor, that makes the final decision on "which one" gets the substance that is available.
Normally, amino acids function together, in a unique harmonious, synergistic balance, to keep one healthy. Any upset in this balance can lead to a variety of disorders. This can be due to a missing amino acid or another amino acid becoming too concentrated. I won't list the foods, but foods will fit into two basic categories, either complete and containing all the Essential amino acids, or incomplete, and lacking one or more of the Essential amino acids. This is why it is important to eat a correct variety of foods, to keep the essential amino acid tanks, full. What enters the picture now, is the physical, emotional and mental effects, that can and do you affect pH levels, throughout the body. Some times slow acting, over the course of months or years, or even instantaneously in some cases, leading to undesired discomfort and/or illness. Messed up, amino acids tanks, can lead to or cause, one or more, or any of the following, in practically any combination.

This is only a partial listing.

Behavioral disorders, incorrect red or white blood cell counts, tinnitus, hallucination, paranoia, impotence, adrenal or pineal weakness, flu symptoms, poor muscle functions, feeling of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia, depression, homesickness, incorrect blood sugar, poor healing of the skin and bones, digestive problems, colon spasms, inability to gain or lose weight, congested liver, damaged kidney, manic-depressive illness, swollen glands, thyroid trouble, irritabllity, headaches, female ovarian cysts, painful and difficult menstruation, inflamed uterus, schizophrenia, arthritis.
Perhaps I should have detailed more aspects here, and there are some, not included here, that are relevant, but will have to wait their turn.