Let's start with this bit of data:
Brain - slightly alkaline
Heart - best toward alkaline
Lung - best toward alkaline
Stomach - constantly changing (required)
Liver - best toward alkaline, but is always changing
Pancreas - permanently alkaline
Small Intestine ( Peyers Patches ) - alkaline
Kidney - removes excess acid
Thyroid - toward alkaline
Spleen- toward alkaline
Adrenal - toward alkaline
Colon -processes both, alkaline and acid
Lymphatic -best in alkaline
Blood -best at approximately 7.3 pH
Urine -approximately 6.4 pH
Saliva - approximately 6.4 pH
A little bit on the pH factor:
The pH factor is measured on a scale from 0 to 14,
with 7 being considered neutral (normal).
The pH numbers below 7 (toward 0) are acidic,
and the numbers above 7 are alkaline (toward 14).
What we eat ,drink, how we breathe and think
affects the pH factor.
Kits are available for at-home usage in checking pH factors.
A little bit on the amino acids:
Types of amino acids:
D:Dexyrorotational ( usually synthetic )
L:Laevorotational ( natural and is generally ingested ) -
Essential amino acids (must be supplied by the diet)
Histidine - Isoleucine - Leucine - Lysine - Methionine - Phenylalanine - Threonine - Tryptophane - Valine -
Non-essential amino acids
(definitely needed, the body will construct as required)
Alanine - Arginine - Aspartic Acid - Asparagin - Cysteine- Cystine- Glutamic Acid - Glutamine - Glycine - Hydroxyproline - Proline - Serine - Tyrosine -
A little bit on proteins:
Proteins are composed of amino acids and water, and we need proteins daily.
You'll notice I've kept it as simple as possible.
I also use the term "amino acid tanks" ( In reality, there are no amino acid tanks.) and the switchboard (so to speak) for amino acids is the "Liver". Some, of the sensors I spoke of, do, in some complex manner, form a network between all the organs mentioned above, and the liver. Any organ in need of maintenance or repair, will trigger the associated sensor, into sending a message to the switchboard (liver) stating its needs. Considered now, the skin, muscles, hair, nails, internal organs, and the brain are, primarily made of protein. That makes for one busy switchboard", running "24/7" while you are alive. No holidays, no vacations, no time for a breather, just wanting to keep you healthy. Somewhat like a gas tank on an automobile, that needs to be refilled over and over, our amino acid tanks also need refilling on a regular daily basis. Somewhat like a football game though, amino acids, compete with one another. Unlike a football game, the non-essential amino acids, each act as a separate unit, grabbing what it needs, with no concern for the others. So what is required, is an adequate "total number", of amino acids, plus an ample supply of the "essential" amino acids. All amino acids must be present at the same time, before they can be utilized as protein. Amino acids are not and cannot be stored for future use as protein. If any one amino acid is low for some reason, it seriously affects the action of the others, regardless of how full of that other amino acid tank may be. This is where the competition sets in. Somewhere in the body, there must be a "master" determining sensor, that makes the final decision on "which one" gets the substance that is available.
Normally, amino acids function together, in a unique harmonious, synergistic balance, to keep one healthy. Any upset in this balance can lead to a variety of disorders. This can be due to a missing amino acid or another amino acid becoming too concentrated. I won't list the foods, but foods will fit into two basic categories, either complete and containing all the Essential amino acids, or incomplete, and lacking one or more of the Essential amino acids. This is why it is important to eat a correct variety of foods, to keep the essential amino acid tanks, full. What enters the picture now, is the physical, emotional and mental effects, that can and do you affect pH levels, throughout the body. Some times slow acting, over the course of months or years, or even instantaneously in some cases, leading to undesired discomfort and/or illness. Messed up, amino acids tanks, can lead to or cause, one or more, or any of the following, in practically any combination.
This is only a partial listing.
Behavioral disorders, incorrect red or white blood cell counts, tinnitus, hallucination, paranoia, impotence, adrenal or pineal weakness, flu symptoms, poor muscle functions, feeling of helplessness, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anemia, depression, homesickness, incorrect blood sugar, poor healing of the skin and bones, digestive problems, colon spasms, inability to gain or lose weight, congested liver, damaged kidney, manic-depressive illness, swollen glands, thyroid trouble, irritabllity, headaches, female ovarian cysts, painful and difficult menstruation, inflamed uterus, schizophrenia, arthritis.
Perhaps I should have detailed more aspects here, and there are some, not included here, that are relevant, but will have to wait their turn.
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